4 medium eggs, at room temperature
110g sugar
2-3 tablespoons honey
100g strong flour

  1. Crack eggs into a metal bowl, add sugar and beat with electric mixer over boiling water at high speed for 6 minutes. The volume of beaten eggs will increase about 4 times.
  2. Add honey to egg mixture and beat at medium speed for about 30 seconds.3. Sift 1/3 of the flour into the mixture, beat lightly at medium speed, then add the remaining 1/3 of the flour and beat well. Add the last 1/3 of the flour and beat until combined, about 1 minute. Do not over-mix as this may cause the cake to collapse or collapse.
    4.Place parchment paper in the mold and then pour the dough into the mold. Use a skewer to draw a zigzag line to remove large air bubbles from the dough. This way the cake will have an even texture.
  3. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes until its surface is well browned. Then quickly cover with a paper towel, reduce the temperature to 170°C and continue cooking. In total this will take about 55 minutes. Try using a skewer. When the skewer comes out clean, the cake is done.
  4. When done, take the cake out of the mold and immediately cover the surface with plastic wrap.7. Invert the cake onto a flat plate. When the cake is still hot, put it in a plastic bag and let it soften for 12 hours.
  5. Before serving, trim the edges of the cake. Serve with tea or coffee and fresh cream for added flavor.

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