My Son Made Italian Cream Stuffed Cannoncini

What you need:

1/3 cup fat-free ricotta cheese
3/4 cup powdered sugar (or more or less to your preference)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 lemon
small amount of chocolate, 2 teaspoons
If making puff pastry cones:
Cooking spray 1 sheet of light puff pastry
Sprinkle with icing sugar if desired.

Place the fat-free ricotta, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, lemon zest and chocolate chips in a bowl and allow the flavors to mix well. Add herbs and mix until smooth. Add the powdered sugar slowly with a spoon until smooth. As you prepare the puff pastry, add the filling to allow the flavors to meld.
If making puff pastry cones:
Preheat the oven as directed on the puff pastry packaging to ensure the best possible baking time.
Lightly flour the surface and roll out a layer of puff pastry, revealing all the contours of your creation.
Divide dough into pieces 1/2 to 1 inch wide; The width can be adjusted to your taste.
Rotate each line around the metal horn or cone shape, making sure the pieces fit together properly; this produces a better end product.
Place the wrapped rolls on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake until golden brown.
The wraps are expertly placed thanks to a little cooking spray and a little cooking magic.
If you follow the baking instructions for rolling the puff pastry until the horns are golden and dark brown, you can’t help but be amazed by the smell.
Horn Pastes are ready for the big reveal if you give them time to cool before making.
Carefully remove the horn metal from the horn paste while it cools to reveal the treasure inside.
Ricotta cheese is a work of art, so be prepared to scoop the entire cone into a full bag or by hand with a small spoon.
Sprinkling extra-filled cones with powdered sugar for a little snow can enhance the delicious taste even more.

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